Screen Mirroring Pro for Roku

Mirror your screen to Roku.

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Mirror your screen to Roku. Share your screen on any Roku Stick, Roku Box and Roku TV, such as TCL TV and Hisense TV. No wires, easy setup, live in HD quality. The Screen Mirroring App is the #1 Screen Mirror - fast, easy and user friendly. Share your photos, videos, games, websites, apps, presentations and documents with your friends, family and co-workers. It has big advantages compared to the Roku built-in Screen Mirroring based in Miracast. * Best device support: The app supports all Android devices with Android 5.0+and all Roku devices, including Sticks, Boxes, TVs and Roku Express 3700 / 3710. * Super easy and unified setup on all Android devices. No need to change Android settings or Wi-Fi options. * Your Android device and your Roku must be connected to the same wifi. Please do not use VPN, Proxy, VLANS and Subnets. * Performance is best when you have good wifi network conditions * Sound is not yet supported, but we are working on it. As a workaround please connect your Android device to a bluetooth speaker or try our app VIDEO & TV CAST to cast videos with sound. * For support or feedback, please contact us via e-mail to This app is brought to you by the developers of VIDEO & TV CAST, the #1 video casting app in the world with more than 100.000.000 downloads across all platforms and devices. Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated with any of the trademarks mentioned here. ROKU, the ROKU Logo, STREAMING STICK, ROKU TV, ROKU POWERED, the ROKU POWERED Logo, ROKU READY, the ROKU READY Logo, "STOP DREAMING. START STREAMING.", "HAPPY STREAMING", "THERE'S A TON OF ENTERTAINMENT IN THIS LITTLE BOX," and "NOW THIS IS TV" are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Roku, Inc. in the United States and other countries.


How to download Screen Mirroring Pro for Roku?

You can download Screen Mirroring Pro for Roku using the Download APK button from above.

How to install Screen Mirroring Pro for Roku?

  1. Download the latest version of Screen Mirroring Pro for Roku using the button above.
  2. Click on the downloaded file and click install.
  3. After the installation went successfully click on open.
  4. OPTIONAL: Search on your system for Screen Mirroring Pro for Roku and click on the icon to open it up.

Name variants of Screen Mirroring Pro for Roku

This application as certain variants where it can be found on, these are:
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