Chest Tracker for Clash Royale
Chest Tracker (fan app for Clash Royale) is a helper tool used to: 1) Find out your current chest position in the Chest Cycle.
Chest Tracker (fan app for Clash Royale) is a helper tool used to: 1) Find out your current chest position in the Chest Cycle. 2) Tell you what is the next four chests. 3) Tell you how many more chests until the next Golden Chest, Giant Chest and Magical Chest, as well as the shortest time to get those chests. First, we need to know that the chest drop in Clash Royale is not random, but follow a fixed sequence or fixed cycle. Except the Super Magical Chest, Epic Chest and Legendary Chest, which is drop randomly and depends on luck. Before start the chest tracking, you have to know your current chest position in Clash Royale. For experience player that played Clash Royale for a long time, you probably already forgot how many chests you opened so far. Fortunately, this app have a built-in function "Chest Position Finder" that able to help you find out your current chest position. How to use Chest Position Finder? Everytime you received a chest from Clash Royale battles, open this app and click the button of the chest that you've just received. Normally around 5-30 chests is needed to find out the current chest position. You will be informed once your current chest position is detected. How to use Chest Tracker? Everytime you received a chest from Clash Royale battles, open this app and click "I Got A Chest" button (Except Super Magical Chest, Epic Chest and Legendary Chest). This Chest Tracker will show you the next four chests and tell you how many more chests until the next Golden Chest, Giant Chest and Magical Chest. KEY FEATURES - Track the current chest position in Chest Cycle - Track the next four chests - Track the number of chests until the next Golden, Giant and Magical chest. - Track the shortest time to get the next Golden, Giant and Magical chest. - Track the chest position finding progress (%) in Chest Position Finder - Chest Rotation Diagram (Diagram with all the 240 chests in sequence) - Option: Display app shortcut icon on status bar BigFans Studio makes apps for life. We are big fans of Clash Royale and we only create useful helper apps for the games that we love. We hope you love them as much as we love making them. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact us at big.fans.studio@gmail.com. Thank you!! ======== Disclaimer ======== This app acted as a guidance app for the game Clash Royale by Supercell. This is unofficial and not associated by Supercell. All Chests images, background, popup are belong to Supercell. For more information, see Supercell's Fan Content Policy http://supercell.com/en/fan-content-policy/
How to download Chest Tracker for Clash Royale?
You can download Chest Tracker for Clash Royale using the Download APK button from above.
How to install Chest Tracker for Clash Royale?
- Download the latest version of Chest Tracker for Clash Royale using the button above.
- Click on the downloaded file and click install.
- After the installation went successfully click on open.
- OPTIONAL: Search on your system for Chest Tracker for Clash Royale and click on the icon to open it up.
Name variants of Chest Tracker for Clash Royale
This application as certain variants where it can be found on, these are:
Download Chest Tracker for Clash Royale apk
Download Chest Tracker for Clash Royale apk mod
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Download Chest Tracker for Clash Royale apk ios
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